23 January 2009

A Real Friday Groaner

The row over whether Dubai Television should broadcast the television cartoon series "The Flintstones" continues.

A spokesman for the channel said: "It was claimed that people in Dubai would not understand Fred Flintstone's humour. But we know that people in Abu Dhabi do."

Someone REALLY needs to get out more...

The best Gumtree advert in the world, to date...

(Thanks Holy Moly!)

I'm Sorry, Your Brain Is Overdrawn...

Don't give up your day job...

Police: Masked man waited in line to rob Ohio bank

STOW, Ohio – An Ohio man may have tipped off his intentions when he stood in line at a bank wearing a ski mask before staging a holdup.

Police in Stow (STO') say Feliks Goldshtein (GOLD'-shteen) of Highland Heights was arrested Thursday following a brief car chase.

Police say the teller asked the man to take off the mask before being served. The man displayed what turned out to be a toy gun and demanded money from the teller. He made off with an undisclosed amount.

Police Captain Rick Myers says it's unusual for a masked robber to wait in line at a bank.

The 24-year-old man remained jailed Friday on charges of aggravated robbery and failure to comply with a police order. Court records didn't identify an attorney for Goldshtein.


Fantastic.  (Story from Yahoo News)

16 January 2009

Everybody Loves Johnny...

Safety Warning : Do not watch wilst drinking hot liquids or wearing light coloured trousers...

9 January 2009

Goal Fail

Why The Blues lost interest in Boydy?

5 January 2009

Taking The Piss

This is a quality prank, surprised news of this didn't leak out earlier...
