21 December 2007

Festive Greetings

Today is the last day of work before the Xmas break and one cannot but help but ruminate on the festive period ahead.
Some people fail to appreciate the true meaning of Xmas, trying to bring religion into the equation.  What rot.
Xmas is all about excess:
Spending to excess on ridiculous presents that are this years "must have" gifts - time for a Wii anyone?
Drinking to excess, expecially drinks that wouldn't normally pass your lips at other times of the year - eggnog, that stuff that is black and white - comes in a bottle with two openings...
Eating to excess (my personal favourite), what other time of the year could you get away with insisting that it is essential that you have a choice of three puddings, and that you want a helping of each one.
Excess - putting the X into Xmas for as long as I can remember.
p.s. The Great Escape is on the box again this year, after being notably absent for a while, surely this time Steve McQueen is going to make it over that bloody fence....

18 December 2007

Clear And Present Chaos

Firstly, apologies for the lack of postings recently - I will try and get back on track in the new year.

Secondly regular readers will know that I recently took up a new job having left the one I had with a major engineering company because of the never ending management incompetence.

The following emails are in no way related to that situation or any of my previous ineffectual bosses. No way at all.

These emails were sent out on consecutive days last week and were like a beacon of clarity shining through the foggy murk of corporate IT support. Names have been changed to protect the feckless innocent.


Subject : Christmas Cover


With the various changes in reporting and organisation it appears there is some confusion over the Christmas break and Christmas Eve in particular.

Many businesses are closing on the Friday before Christmas and not re-opening until after the festive season. It is expected that staff will allocate a day extra from usual allowances to cater for this. We follow the same approach unless local requirements need cover.


Havna O'Clugh
Head Of A Really Huge Team Of People And Really Quite Important These Days Doncha Know


Subject : Christmas Cover


Sorry, I got some duff information when I first picked Operations up.

We only need staff coverage on site, or on call, during the Christmas Period if the business is working and has agreed to cover costs.

Apologies for any confusion.


Havna O'Clugh


Subject : Christmas Cover


Hands up and sorry for the continuing confusion.

We do need cover over the days the the Servicedesk is open on call. You should allow staff who volunteer to take an additional day in Lieu of the holiday.

One body each day in each region please.

Very sorry my fault.


Oh I miss the old place so much...