17 September 2008

The Aberdeen Exception


A fairly simple road junction to deal with.

The Highway Code advises that on approaching the roundabout you make sure you are in the right lane.

If there are two lanes entering the roundabout you should be in the left hand lane if you wish to leave via the first or second exit. If you wish to leave via the second or third (or fourth etc) exit you should enter from the right hand lane.  You should indicate a left turn once you have passed the exit prior to the one you wish to leave by.

All of the above means that when you go to exit the roundabout your path should be clear.


Except if you live in Aberdeen.

I am convinced that there must be a location specific appendix to the code, The Aberdeen Exception, which applies only to this part of the world.  I believe that this was probably introduced as part of the Mastrick Treaty (copyright Scotland The What, nineteen canteen).

Motorists in Aberdeen seem to believe that the entry lane to a roundabout, and your positioning as you make your way round to your intended exit, is of no consequence whatsoever.

In Aberdeen it appears to be the norm that if you wish to take the third exit from the roundabout, the one that involves driving 3/4 of the way round it, that you enter via the left hand lane and just gaily cruise round the outside of the roundabout cutting across other traffic and generally causing much stamping on brakes, wailing, gnashing of teeth, waving of fists etc.

I have been subjected to this in other cities but only rarely, I tend to put it down to people visiting from the North East.  In and around Aberdeen it is a daily occurrence.  The roads department have even painted handy arrows on the road pointing out which way you should be going.  

Does it make a difference?  

Nae really.

What prompted this rather grumpy post?  Did you get cut up by one of these dozy feckers last night, TK?

Yes I bloody well did.  

I am tempted to buy an old clunker, something large and heavy, and cruise round the busiest roundabouts in the city.  Then, when some eejit cuts right across my exit, I'll just ram straight into them.  You'd be gay not to really...

Has anyone else been subjected to this unfortunate trait, or am I just imagining it?


Anonymous said...

I drove into Aberdeen once. Never again.
The drivers there are nothing short of mad!

the tomahawk kid said...


Though I am now one of them, I have to agree with your sentiments.


Anonymous said...

Well, there must be a lot of Aberdonians in Dumbarton too TK!

Take the Church St roundabout as an example.

Approaching it from the Helensburgh side, most drivers would fail their test as they try to access Glasgow Road.

Instead of sitting in the right-hand lane (as Glasgow Road is the third exit), the majority stay in the left lane, which is just plain WRONG!

And the worst part? They scowl, growl and shake fists at the people doing it correctly!!


the tomahawk kid said...


I know the very one.

I think I will trade in the Tomahawkmobile for a tank...


Unknown said...

I'd just like to agree with everyone.

Nikki said...

I've always been particularly keen on the lane choices when approaching Queens Cross - it does indeed seem to be a free for all!

Nikki said...
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