15 July 2007

Life's A Beach

Today was officially Scotland's summer.

Spent the morning playing the 6 hole golf course with the wee fella and his pal.

Followed this up with a walk to the Sands Of Forvie where the two of them tore up and down the sand dunes before stripping half naked and running in and out of the waves.

The beach at Forvie is beautiful, totally unspoilt and almost deserted - a real joy to spend time on.

Late evening was spent enjoying the last of the sunshine walking along the sea front at Aberdeen munching on an ice cream cone.

Fantastic. Life just seems so much better on days like these. If we could just guarantee this weather there would be no need to travel further afield.

In true Scottish fashion however it looks like I will be turning up for work tomorrow with burnt arms and a nose like a belisha beacon!!!


Groanin' Jock said...

I too have scarlet arms and neck, a testament to a day spent enjoying Montrose's annual donkey derby and an impromptu barbecue. And, as is the way of things, it is pissing rain today!

Unknown said...

Jock, I've heard there is a donkey derby at Links Park every time Arbroath visit!
TK, your wee fella swimming in the North Sea? he's going to be a right hard b*****d!