30 July 2007

Movin' On

After just over 8 years working for A Major Engineering Company I have decided to move to pastures new. This morning I submitted my letter of resignation and now I just need to see how much of my 3 month notice period they want me to work.

Latterly at my current employer the IT function has been completely reorganised on four occasions over the past four or five years. The latest reorganisation, to provide a global service, is being managed from overseas. Four email pronouncements in seven months is not a great way to manage change on this scale, especially when the latest announcement (in a bizarre attempt to raise morale) stated that people should not worry as we had now achieved 60% of the targetted job cuts (do the maths). As my department didn't feature on the newly issued organisation charts I decided it was probably time to start seeing what alternatives were available.

I found a position that seemed interesting, applied, interviewed, and accepted.

So it comes to pass that, after a greater number of years than I care to think about working in the Oil & Gas industry, I find myself relishing a new challenge in the world of academia. I will soon be starting a job within the IT Directorate of the local University, a venerable establishment that has been in existence for over 500 years. I am sure that there will be lots of challenges ahead but all contact to date has been extremely positive and I have a feeling that it is going to be a good place to work.


Groanin' Jock said...

Congratulations! Just the latest rat (if you'll excuse the metaphor) to escape the sinking ship that is IT at your current employer. Am I the only rat to jump off it twice?!

Unknown said...

Just back from hols to get this news TK. Good luck in your new one and it sounds as if you've done the right thing.

Unknown said...

I just thought. Does this mean you get uni holidays?

the tomahawk kid said...


If only, if only.

It does however mean that I will be paying for all purchases under £5 by cheque....