6 July 2007

Lyric Snippets 4

Time again for the lyric snippets quiz.

The lyric snippets below are from the last five songs played on my iPod this morning. Can you identify the songs?

  1. Like a dream that has no dreamer, Like a cloud without a sky... Like a truth with no believer, Like a mother without a child...
  2. I was driving across the burning desert, When I spotted six jet planes, Leaving six white vapor trails across the bleak terrain, It was the hexagram of the heavens, It was the strings of my guitar
  3. Oh, I'll break them down, no mercy shown, Heaven knows, it's got to be this time, Watching her, these things she said, The times she cried, Too frail to wake this time.
  4. I'm on an island in a busy intersection, I can't go forward now, I can't turn back, Can't see the future, It's getting away from me, I just watch the tail lights glowing
  5. You need a push, I'll push you off, Open up the window and jump into the blue

Answers in the comments please, and no Googling!

The full list of answers will be posted later.

The answers to Lyric Snippets 3 are now in the comments for that post.


Unknown said...

I THINK no. 1 is Supertramp and Goodbye Stranger. No 3 is New Order Ceremony. The last one is the Lightning Seeds Things Could Be Marvelous.

the tomahawk kid said...

You need to think again on number 1 Rab. If you don't get it I am sure you will kick yourself.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm. I suppose you can see why I thought it was Goodbye Stranger.
I have actually googled it now and apart from re-directing me back here I had no clue.
It does sound a bit Van-ish though.


the tomahawk kid said...

There's not many guitar heroes from Yorkshire...

almax said...

No 2 is one of my all time faves - Joni Mitchell - Amelia

The song is about American aviator Amelia Erhardt. (who disappeared without trace in 1937 while flying round the world). Later on in the song Joni Mitchell sings the following incredibly affecting lines which beautifully mix the aviator's perspective with her own -

Maybe I've never really loved

I guess that is the truth

I've spent my whole life in clouds at icy altitude

the tomahawk kid said...

Bingo Alastair!

It is a fantastic track isn't it.

the tomahawk kid said...

I make that 3 out of 5 this week, not bad.

The answers are:

1. Ships In The Night - Be Bop Deluxe
2. Amelia - Joni Mitchell
3. Ceremony - New Order
4. One Step Closer - U2
5. Marvellous - The Lightning Seeds

Unknown said...

Kicking myself as I type.